Coronavirus Employer Tax Credits Flow Chart

By |2020-06-07T13:10:24-04:00June 7th, 2020|Coronavirus, Employees, Employees & Independent Contractors, Employers, Forms, Payroll|

The IRS created a flow chart to help employers navigate the new tax credits due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each situation with each of your employees may be unique. Always consult a tax advisor before filing with the IRS. Book a phone consultation with our staff today.

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Big Changes to $10,000 SBA Grant & PPP

By |2020-04-12T17:39:15-04:00April 12th, 2020|Coronavirus, Employees & Independent Contractors|

Although not officially announced, sources are reporting that the SBA's current $10,000 Advance program for sole proprietors and small businesses isn't what it seems. The $10,000 grant falls under the Economic Injuty Disaster Loan program. Originaly advertised as a no questions asked advance of $10,000 that doesn't have to be [...]

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Financial Resources for Everyone during Coronavirus Pandemic

By |2020-03-31T08:01:07-04:00March 26th, 2020|Coronavirus, Corporate Income Tax, Employees, Employees & Independent Contractors, Employers, Individual Income Tax, Payroll, Penalties and Interest, Retirement, Tax Payments|

At AFSG, we know that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has not spared anyone. Individuals, families, small businesses, gig-workers, sole-proprietors, employers... Everyone has been impacted by this pandemic. Finding the most current information has been tough. We will try to keep this webpage as up to date as possible with FACTS, [...]

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Are you paying in enough taxes for 2019?

By |2019-06-10T12:25:02-04:00June 10th, 2019|Employees, Employees & Independent Contractors, Individual Income Tax, Tax Payments|

Source: All taxpayers should check their withholding ASAP All taxpayers should check their withholding – also known as doing a Paycheck Checkup – as soon as possible. They should do a checkup even if they did one last year. By checking their withholding, taxpayers can make sure enough is [...]

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Are you withholding the correct amount on your W-2 for 2018?

By |2018-04-13T12:11:20-04:00April 13th, 2018|Employees, Employees & Independent Contractors, Employers, Individual Income Tax, Payroll, Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, Tax Payments|

source: IRS.govNewly-revised estimated tax form and publication can help people pay the right amount IR-2018-93, April 13, 2018 WASHINGTON – With tax reform bringing major changes for the year ahead, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded the many self-employed individuals, retirees, investors and others who need to pay their taxes [...]

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