Payroll for Restaurants

By |2010-08-03T10:35:50-04:00August 3rd, 2010|Employers, Payroll|

Restaurant clients with tipped employees have more complex payroll requirements than other clients. Years of experience in the food, beverage, and hospitality industry have given Paychex the opportunity to excel in offering unique services and reports for establishments with tipped employees. Important payroll items include: FICA Tip Credit Report - [...]

Common Forms

By |2010-07-22T15:04:50-04:00July 22nd, 2010|AFSG, Forms|

Form 1040 ES –          2010 Federal Estimated Individual Income Tax Vouchers Form 2553 –                IRS Request to be taxed as an S-Corporation Form 4506-T –            Transcripts of prior year w-2s, 1099s, tax returns, and non-files Form 843 –                  Request to abate penalties and interest from the IRS Form 8821 – [...]

Starting in 2012, New law requires 1099s for goods, not just services

By |2010-07-08T11:11:10-04:00July 8th, 2010|Corporate Income Tax, News Articles|

Small businesses, charities face more reporting rules By Sandra Block, USA TODAY July 8, 2010 A little-known provision in the health care reform law could significantly increase tax recordkeeping requirements and costs for nearly 40 million self-employed workers, small businesses and charities, the IRS' national taxpayer advocate said Wednesday. Starting [...]

Death and Taxes

By |2010-07-06T16:39:16-04:00July 6th, 2010|Individual Income Tax|

Tax Responsibilities After Someone Dies The death of a loved one is always difficult but it can be even more challenging if you are the one who must handle all the resulting tax responsibilities. There are a couple different ways you can assume the required duties: You may be named as [...]

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