Affordable Care Act Provides Expanded Tax Benefit to Health Professionals Working in Underserved Areas

By |2010-06-16T13:38:04-04:00June 16th, 2010|Health Care Reform, Individual Income Tax, News Articles|

WASHINGTON — As part of a larger Administration announcement on efforts to strengthen the health care workforce, the Internal Revenue Service today announced that under the Affordable Care Act health care professionals who received student loan relief under state programs that reward those who work in underserved communities may qualify [...]

IRS Issues Regulations on 10-Percent Tax on Tanning Services Effective July 1

By |2010-06-11T16:34:08-04:00June 11th, 2010|Corporate Income Tax, Excise Taxes|

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued regulations outlining the administration of a 10-percent excise tax on indoor tanning services that goes into effect on July 1. The regulations were published today in the Federal Register. In general, providers of indoor tanning services will collect the tax at the [...]

Full Asset Depreciation Increase Extended

By |2010-06-05T16:38:34-04:00June 5th, 2010|Corporate Income Tax|

Depreciation and Section 179 Expense HIRE and Section 179 DeductionA qualifying taxpayer can choose to treat the cost of certain property as an expense and deduct it in the year the property is placed in service instead of depreciating it over several years. This property is frequently referred to as [...]

Small Business Health Care Tax Credit: Frequently Asked Questions

By |2010-05-21T10:42:09-04:00May 21st, 2010|Employers, Health Care Reform, Non-Profits|

The new health reform law gives a tax credit to certain small employers that provide health care coverage to their employees, effective with tax years beginning in 2010. The following questions and answers provide information on the credit as it applies for 2010-2013, including information on transition relief for 2010. An [...]

401(k) Questionnaire Coming to 1,200 Employers & Form 5500 Due Dates

By |2010-05-02T19:08:58-04:00May 2nd, 2010|401(k) & 403(b), Employers|

During the week of May 17th, IRS Employee Plans Compliance Unit (EPCU) will send a letter and instructions to 1,200 employers sponsoring 401(k) plans asking them to complete the 401(k) Compliance Check Questionnaire. The information gathered from the Questionnaire will provide a comprehensive view of 401(k) plans and will help [...]

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